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My Perfect Lemonade Stand

My Perfect Lemonade Stand: Build a Sweet Lemonade Empire. Do you want to become the owner of a prosperous lemonade stand? This captivating business simulation game allows you to express your imagination and construct your ideal lemonade stand.

Build the perfect lemonade stand

My Perfect Lemonade Stand puts you in the role of a passionate lemonade salesman. Your task is to design, build and manage your own lemonade stand, from choosing the location and decorating to making delicious glasses of lemonade.

Secret formula and unique ingredients

The game offers many unique lemonade recipes, from traditional recipes to new variations, flavorings and attractive toppings. You can also experiment and create your own recipes, resulting in exclusive lemonades that attract customers.

Smart business management

For your business to prosper, you need to manage it intelligently. To attract customers and increase profits, adjust sales prices, upgrade equipment, and promote booths.
You also need to prepare and upgrade raw materials to ensure there is always enough lemonade for customers.

Cute graphics, cheerful music

My Perfect Lemonade Stand offers adorable graphics and bright colors, creating a joyful and relaxing atmosphere. The game's music is also very vibrant and attractive, making the gaming process more appealing.
The game provides exciting and relaxing moments of entertainment after tiring working hours.

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Cooking Games

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